
Penn State’s 2022-24 TLT 教师们 (clockwise from top left) are 安娜Divinsky, 饼干整理, Zena Tredinnick-Kirby, 让娜·玛丽·罗斯, 格雷戈里·R. 皮尔斯和杰奎琳·博蒂亚廷斯基.

十大正规赌博平台大全2022-24年度TLT学院研究员是, 从左上顺时针:安娜·迪文斯基, 饼干整理, Zena Tredinnick-Kirby, 让娜·玛丽·罗斯, 格雷戈里·R. 皮尔斯和杰奎琳·博蒂亚廷斯基. 


宾州大学公园. — Collaborative efforts between six Penn State instructors from two campuses and two colleges worked in teams with Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) over the past two years as part of the 2022-24 TLT 教师们 program. 他们的目标是通过技术丰富学生的参与体验. 这包括解决可负担性和包容性等主题, 物理-数字空间和激进的创造力. 诸如此类的属性促进了公平的机会, prepare students for dynamic workplaces and cultivate essential skills for the future.

教师们 are selected through an application process and collaborate with TLT to explore and enhance innovative opportunities in their teaching and research. They have the chance to disseminate their innovations widely within Penn State and the broader higher education community. 教师们 strive to revamp courses by utilizing technology-driven teaching methods tailored to support University, 校园或大学目标.

现在这批人正在结束他们的项目, 以下是从他们的工作中吸取的经验教训:  

Jackie Bortiatynski – Capturing Classroom Engagement Data for Instructor Reflection (CCEDIR)

Bortiatynski, 埃伯利科学学院的教学教授, focused her fellowship on utilizing the TLT team’s expertise to develop an application to support instructor reflection. The result of this endeavor is the Capturing Classroom Engagement Data for Instructor Reflection (CCEDIR) app. The project involved creating a comprehensive application that captures observation data, 包括培训材料, provides resources for faculty to establish data collection goals and devises a protocol for presenting the data in a manner conducive to faculty reflection.

该小组正在收集初步观测数据, 与学院内的观察员和教职员工合作,完善应用程序. Their aim is to enhance the observer experience while offering faculty a valuable snapshot of student engagement in their classrooms.

An image displays the CCEDIR application interface for a trained observer focusing on student interaction. 在这种情况下,用户将讨论标识为正在发生的活动. 界面包括后续问题和一般性评论的空间.

安娜Divinsky, 饼干整理 and Zena Tredinnick-Kirby – Exploring 3-D Virtual Spaces: Engaging Student Communities Through Feedback and Exhibitions

迪文斯基、雷丁和特雷迪尼尼克-柯比专注于从 ArtSteps to 空间.io 在第1、10和20条. This transformed the courses by fostering a community-oriented environment where students interact and learn from each other. 这种转变允许多样化的表达和更深入的探索, 更深刻地将学生与材料以及彼此联系起来. 这些课程促进了以下方面:

  • 在艺术1中, 这一变化引发了与艺术和博物馆接触的转变, 通过讨论区鼓励多元化的表达和合作. 空间的沉浸式环境.IO培养了在线学习者的团结意识, 显著提升整体学习体验.
  • 在第10张图中,我们在空间中添加了便利贴.IO代表匿名, 建设性的同伴反馈, improving the quality of students' work and showcasing their understanding of art criticism and covered topics. Being able to see each other’s work and provide each other with suggestions has strengthened the class community. 
  • Art 20课程最初使用ArtSteps在线呈现最终图纸. 切换到空间.支持IO的协作空间, facilitating asynchronous feedback and engaging student discussions about their artwork.

三位教师一致认为,“从ArtSteps到空间的过渡.IO极大地影响了我们的教学方法,创造了沉浸式在线课堂. This collaboration propelled us to the forefront of contemporary educational practices, 对集体和个人都产生持久的影响.”

格雷戈里·R. 皮尔斯 – Using Smart Board Collaboration Tools to Revolutionize Student Learning in the Large-Format Classroom 

当面对在托马斯100吸引超过500名学生的挑战, 大学公园最大的教室之一, 皮尔斯, 金融学副教授, 通过他的奖学金计划寻求解决办法. His aim was to reach and interact with every student, even those in the farthest seats. 答案就是三星Flip智能板, a digital flipchart whiteboard that seamlessly integrated the physical and digital features of Thomas 100.

The Samsung Flip board enabled 皮尔斯 to seamlessly integrate teaching materials with interactive elements. 它的实施改变了游戏规则, notably in his Finance 301 class where previously passive students in the back rows actively participated. This new method of instruction transformed the educational experience in one of Penn State's most challenging teaching environments.

皮尔斯的项目, 由教学设计师和IT专家的一个专门的团队支持, 标志着利用技术进行教育创新的重大进步. It demonstrates the potential of adaptive teaching strategies in large-scale university classrooms, 为十大正规赌博平台大全的学术投入设定了新的标准.


玫瑰, 赌博平台大全的英语副教授, is using her fellowship to develop the CATWAT Project: Creating Accessible Texts With Adaptive Technologies. 玫瑰’s project involves teaching writing with and for accessibility tools: developing texts for screen-readers, composing with voice-to-text software and crafting visuals that enhance comprehension.

该团队创建了一系列画布模块, 旨在支持整个课程的写作课程. 每个模块都关注可访问性的核心领域:标题和样式, 语音转文本工具和图形组织者. The modules will provide instructors with the best practices for implementing accessibility tools, sample assignments that use the tools and supplemental resources for students and instructors. 

在建模中使用包容性实践来生产无障碍产品, CATWAT strives to make access both a core value and a collective responsibility for writing courses. It encourages student writers to consider their texts’ accessibility as a professional, 道德和社会责任.