Penn State librarians featured on podcast for authoring book on privacy literacy

Practicing 隐私 Literacy book cover art and head shots

Sarah Hartman-Caverly and Alexandria Chisholm


读书,爸爸. — 宾州州立银行 图恩湖库 参考和指导图书管理员Sarah Hartman-Caverly和Alexandria Chisholm接受了采访 新书网 图书馆学播客 to discuss their 2023 book, "隐私 Literacy Practices in Academic Libraries: 的ories, 方法, 和案例."

播客主持人兼采访者Michael LaMagna说,这本书“认为学术图书馆和图书馆员应该在倡导和提供有关隐私知识的教育机会方面发挥领导作用”,而哈特曼-卡弗里和奇泽姆“提供了承担这些角色所需的信息和工具”.”

“让莎拉·哈特曼-卡弗利和亚历山大·奇泽姆加入播客讨论他们的新书, 'Practicing 隐私 Literacy in Academic Libraries: 的ories, 方法, 和案例,是继续围绕隐私素养这一重要话题的重要论述的一种方式, 因为他们的工作提供了相当大的贡献,并增加了现有的文献在图书馆和信息科学领域的主题,拉玛格娜说, 并补充说,图书馆学新书播客的使命是公众教育.

这一集探讨了共同编辑和特约作者的隐私和数字健康理论以及他们的 privacy literacy toolkit 和open-licensed privacy literacy curriculum, as well as contemporary approaches to safeguarding patron data in libraries 和 FERPA的局限性, 提供隐私素养学习体验的图书馆教学模式的范围, students’ perceptions of institutional use of their data in learning analytics systems, approaches to practitioner-facing 继续教育 隐私素养方面.

哈特曼-卡弗利强调,她和奇泽姆对待隐私的方式“是尊重个人,而不是保护数据, not about configuring technology,” explaining that this approach is more welcoming to practitioners as well as learners. “If you care about people, you, too, can be a privacy literacy educator.”

LaMagna强调,这本书的一个优势是提供了一系列方法和途径,将隐私素养整合到学术图书馆教学规划中,这些方法和途径来自不同的贡献作者群体. “I’m glad that you’re bringing in the theory 和n talking about it in practice, how a practicing academic librarian could integrate this,他说. Chisholm邀请听众利用开放教育资源(OERs),这些资源是共同编者免费许可的,可以在他们的网站上重新使用和改编 workshop series homepage,他们的 Digital Shred 隐私 Literacy Toolkit, in the Association of College and 研究 Libraries’ ACRL Framework for Information Literacy Sandbox.


“隐私是学生们在个人生活中关心和好奇的事情, has natural connections to almost every academic discipline,”她说。. “隐私 is about respecting people, not just about protecting data. By placing people back at the center of our privacy literacy work, 我们正在优先考虑道德问题,并充分考虑实际和潜在的隐私危害, which opens up new avenues for privacy learning experiences, including sessions focused on 亲密的隐私知识的隐私 implications of generative AI like ChatGPT.”

“运动辣妹”说, “我们也高度致力于支持图书馆工作人员在这一公认令人生畏的教学领域建立自信的专业自我效能感. 隐私 literacy often brings to mind emerging technologies and constantly evolving societal and legal concerns; that moving target, paired with an expectation for technological expertise, can be daunting to even the most seasoned library educator. 这本书的目的是拓宽图书馆人员对隐私素养的理解,并激发他们在当地环境中的创造力和行动."


Libraries are a natural venue for privacy literacy teaching and learning, which is not comprehensively supported by other campus units, 根据 先前的研究 by Hartman-Caverly and Chisholm.

“图书馆一直关注个人如何与更广泛的信息生态系统互动, privacy has long been a professional ethic of librarianship. 知识的隐私, 或者是寻找的能力, 消费, consider information free from interference or surveillance, is necessary to learning, 到奖学金, to exercising freedom of expression,哈特曼-卡弗里说. 隐私素养教育是图书馆对隐私和知识自由承诺的自然延伸,也是美国图书馆协会《十大正规赌博平台大全》要求图书馆提供的东西.”

“隐私素养为我们对信息生态系统进行批判性和道德探索提供了一条创造性的新途径, 包括我们在日常生活中经历的算法干预和操纵,奇泽姆说. “个性化, 关注工程, 在过去的十年里,我们的媒体消费和在线体验发生了巨大的变化,说服性设计只是其中的几个例子."

Chisholm said there are endless connections between privacy literacy and information, 数字, 以及图书馆教育者已经在他们的教学中提到并接受的媒体素养. 她的 algorithmic literacy workshop puts a new spin on typical fake news and media literacy sessions.

Published by the Association of College and 研究 Libraries (ACRL) in September 2023, 《赌博平台大全》是第一本强调隐私素养工作在学术图书馆教学和其他专业领域出现的书, including patron services, 数字集合, disciplinary research collaborations, 政策发展, institutional research with learning analytics and student data. 共同编辑哈特曼-卡弗利和奇泽姆之前因在隐私素养领域的贡献而受到认可 2021 ACRL Environmental Scan, as recipients of the 2021 ACRL Instruction Section Innovation Award for their Digital Shred 隐私 Literacy Initiative. 的 Digital Shred 隐私 Literacy Initiative comprises a practitioner-facing privacy literacy toolkit,开放授权 privacy literacy curriculum,以及相关的 奖学金 to support other educators in delivering privacy literacy learning experiences.

新书网 特色作者访谈播客,重点介绍一百多个学科的学术出版物, 学科, 和流派. 网络看到1.每月有500万集的下载量,大约有50万的听众. 这一集,”Practicing 隐私 in Academic Libraries: 的ories, 方法, 和案例,可在 图书馆学, 教育, 高等教育, 媒体, 学术交流 渠道 新书网 podcast wherever podcasts are streamed.