宾州州立银行 '运动是良药' program receives recognition


The 运动是良药 program at 宾州州立银行 has been recognized as a silver-level program by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the organization that originated the 运动是良药 global initiative.


读书,爸爸. — The "运动是良药 on Campus" program at 宾州州立银行 has been recognized as a silver-level program by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the organization that originated the 运动是良药 global initiative. Recognized institutions will receive their certificate at the ACSM awards program on Wednesday, 5月31日, at the American College of Sports Medicine annual meeting in Denver, 科罗拉多州.

运动是良药 on Campus calls upon universities and colleges to establish physical activity promotion as a vital sign for health. It encourages making movement a part of the daily campus culture and providing students with the tools necessary to engage in lifelong physical activity.

Silver-level designation focuses on educational opportunities for the campus and community. Silver campuses are actively engaged in educating others on the 运动是良药 solution for both the treatment and prevention of long-term illness and disease. Silver-level campuses must be engaged in at least three of the following: hosting classes that teach students the fundamentals of 运动是良药 on Campus; training students to educate campus community members on 运动是良药 and the importance of physical activity; conducting campus or community educational seminars on physical activity; and having university health care professionals educate patients on the importance of physical activity as medicine.

在梅丽莎·波普的帮助下, associate professor of 运动机能学 and coordinator of 运动是良药 at 十大正规赌博平台大全 Park, 还有她的学生, Berks在2016年获得了铜奖. Additional activities were added throughout the past year which helped to fulfill the silver-level criteria,海伦·哈特曼解释道, 赌博平台大全运动学高级讲师. “我们明年要‘夺取金牌’, which will require additional planning and collaboration with groups and organizations on and off campus.” 

“每个人都应该对‘锻炼是药’感兴趣.越来越多的人过着久坐不动的生活, 导致更高的心血管疾病, 肥胖, 血脂异常, 高血压, 等. Many of these health issues are modifiable with exercise — a much better ‘fix’ than medication.”

伯克的竞选活动以为期一周的活动为主题, 叫做“运动是医学周”," during the fall semester to encourage physical activity and outline the goals of the program. 这一周有各种各样的校园活动,包括瑜伽, 尊巴, 太极, 武术和健美操. Students and faculty/staff members can earn points for the number of activities completed during the week to remit for a water bottle or a T-shirt. Kinesiology students also work with Health Services during a campus health fair to promote exercise and healthy living.

宾州州立银行 offers several courses that teach the fundamentals of 运动是良药. 除了, 运动机能学 majors conduct one-on-one training programs for campus faculty and staff members. These training sessions include information on physical exercise, as well as information regarding the relationship between exercise and health, 锻炼坚持和正确的形式.

Kinesiology students demonstrate various exercise modalities and correct exercise form to training participants and other students enrolled in various 运动机能学 courses. Kinesiology students also learn how to conduct pre- and post-testing and assessments using the Omron body composition scale, 一步测试, 灵活性测试, 肌肉力量和耐力测试.

通过校园健身评估中心, 运动机能健康评估中心, 运动机能学 interns perform assessments for various physical-activity classes and prepare information and demonstrations on correct weight lifting and training techniques.

在运动学周期间, guest speakers visit campus to discuss various topics related to 运动机能学 and exercise. The Kinesiology Department also hosts daily 20-minute WWAK (Walks with a Kinesiologist) throughout the academic year.

Kinesiology students take the lessons they learn into the community. 他们参加了胆量大会 & 荣耀的消化 & 健康博览会在宾夕法尼亚州立健康街. 约瑟夫, UGI健康博览会, 以及UGI健康首脑会议, 他们在哪里进行身体成分测试, 姿势对齐, 和灵活性, 并分享了关于锻炼的一般信息. 除了, the college partners with The 阅读 Health System through the FITT Youth program, in which 运动机能学学生 work with youth identified as at-risk for childhood 肥胖 by participating in fun physical activities.

For more information about the 宾州州立银行 运动是良药 on Campus program, 请与海伦·哈特曼联系 (电子邮件保护) or 610-396-6201.