
第四孕期马赫米 utilizes 博克斯LaunchBox resources to grow impact

Talonda罗杰斯, 第四孕期的创始人MAHMEE, 和吉姆·洪, 博克斯LaunchBox maker空间工程师, worked together to create a stuffed animal prototype that allows women to advocate for themselves.  

来源:Samantha Bower

WYOMISSING,爸爸. — When Talonda罗杰斯 was expecting her first child 23 years ago, 她的症状是视力模糊, 过度口渴和胎动减少. She tried to communicate her concerns to her doctor but unfortunately, her worries were dismissed. 

Her son, Brandon, 是胎死腹中, and Rogers faced further complications from a C-section that left her with paralyzed lungs, 近似糖尿病昏迷和麻痹性肠梗阻, 当肠道肌肉瘫痪时. She spent eight days in the hospital and believes she had gestational diabetes and preeclampsia that went undetected. 

借鉴这一经验,罗杰斯创造了  第四孕期马赫米 — a startup that advocates for pregnant and postpartum women with the help of support services.  


After welcoming two daughters and devoting her time to being a stay-at-home mom until they went to school, 罗杰斯决定追求成为一名护士的梦想. 罗杰斯获得了执业护士证书, 然后把, 护理学学士和硕士学位. 在做了11年的床边护士之后, she switched to working as a nurse educator for the last five years. 

在她教书的第一年, Rogers learned the statistics outlining the mortality rates disproportionately affecting Black women in childbirth compared to other groups in the United States. 罗杰斯感到有动力去行动和发展 第四孕期马赫米.  

"It's concerning to note that Black and Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) are experiencing a three- to four-times higher mortality rate than others in the United States, 这一差距正在迅速扩大,她说. "The high number of maternal deaths during the postpartum period highlights the historical neglect of postpartum care. What's even more distressing is that 84% of these deaths could have been prevented. This emphasizes the critical need for widespread systemic changes." 


After a referral from the Ben Franklin Technology Partners to the 博克斯LaunchBox in 2021, 罗杰斯与米歇尔·纳特合作, LaunchBox协调员和创业顾问. 从那里,纳特把罗杰斯带到发射箱 创意测试实验室加速器 program, which offers a six-week customer discovery course to prove out her idea, 在最后的推销活动中达到高潮, 她得了第一名,赚了1美元,500美元的资金. 

博克斯LaunchBox的创客空间工程师, Jim Hong, worked with Rogers to create a prototype of a talking stuffed animal, designed to empower women to advocate for themselves during and after pregnancy. Martin Kozlowksi, 博克斯LaunchBox adviser, created two additional prototypes for the startup.  

"I've been working hard to create a prototype for a talking stuffed animal. It's designed to provide comfort and important health information to expecting and new mothers,罗杰斯解释道. “This new product aims to help women ask their health care providers important questions when they experience symptoms. It also aims to offer support for those facing postpartum mental health challenges. Jim Hong, 凭借他卓越的工程技术, 在完成设计的过程中起了至关重要的作用, 录音, 我的原型机的安全特性和整体功能. 当动物的爪子, ears, 按压腹部和心脏, it delivers audio information to support and uplift women during this significant phase of their lives." 

The 博克斯LaunchBox also connected Rogers with a graphic designer to create a company brochure, 以MAHMEE的服务为特色, 包括身体和精神健康评估, 瑜伽和运动课程, 母亲的教育, “MAHMEE Mood Rooms” for relaxation and “MAHMEE Mobile” for transportation services. 此外,Hnath还协助罗杰斯开发了一个网站.  

Since Rogers began with the 博克斯LaunchBox, she’s also received a $3,000 第一军团mini-grant 以及两笔500美元的“创业成长”基金, which provide funding support for entrepreneurs engaged in 博克斯LaunchBox programs. She’s also partnered with Alvernia University’s O’Pake Center and Lizette Epps, 他是非营利顾问,也是“希望之广度”的创始人, 在宾夕法尼亚州注册她的非营利组织.  

"Embarking on my journey with the 博克斯LaunchBox was transformative,” Rogers said. “我在构思一份令人信服的提案时得到了支持, 建立一个伟大的网站, 制作专业的宣传册和, 在LaunchBox的Jim Hong的帮助下, 制作我的第一个完整的电子样机. Their hands-on support from pitch rehearsals to website development not only nurtured my business, but also connected me with a vibrant community of entrepreneurs, 打开了我从未想象过的大门." 


博克斯LaunchBox的任务, located in Suite 105 of the GoggleWorks Center for the Arts in downtown Reading, 是支持经济发展和创业. 宾州州立银行的创新中心, the LaunchBox connects local early-stage entrepreneurs to the support, resources and facilities that they need to build sustainable and scalable businesses with a viable plan for growth. 服务包括协助制作原型, 进行市场调查, 与顾问联系. Berks的LaunchBox提供创业研讨会, 创业公司的联合办公空间, 以业务发展为重点的聚会, a makerspace with 3D printers for prototyping and special youth programs. 

博克斯LaunchBox is supported by Invent Penn State — a commonwealth-wide initiative to spur economic development, 创造就业机会和学生事业成功. 欲了解更多信息,请访问  berkslaunchbox.euroins.net 或致电610-396-6221联系Erica Kunkel或 (电子邮件保护)