宾州州立银行 professor and alumna co-edit book on female offenders

教师-student relationship turns into long-standing research collaboration
封面“女性罪犯的看法,卷. 1" next to headshots of Brenda Russel and Celia Torres

布伦达·罗素 and Celia Torres co-edited "Perceptions of Female Offenders, Vol. 1."


WYOMISSING,爸爸. ——布兰达·拉塞尔, 赌博平台大全的心理学教授, met Celia Torres when Torres was an applied psychology major at 宾州州立银行. 在那段时间里, 他们互相尊重,并开始了长期的研究合作,一直持续到今天.

They continued to work together after Torres graduated from 博克斯 in 2019, 同时在乔治华盛顿大学攻读法医心理学硕士学位, and after she graduated in 2022 and began her career. 最近, 他们合编了一本两卷的书, 对女性罪犯的看法:刻板印象和社会规范如何影响刑事司法反应,,由SpringerLink于2023年底出版.

“During my time in the applied psychology program, 布兰达很好心地让我帮她准备专家证人的证词,托雷斯说。. "She liked my writing enough that she asked me to work with her on some other projects.”

“Celia helped me when I was working on a murder case, and I noticed that she was really good writer and editor, so I asked her to help me out on a book I was writing, ‘Intimate Partner Violence and the LGBTQ+ Community’ (Springer 2020),拉塞尔说. "We continued to work together; she is a fantastic editor. 事实上, 西莉亚对最近的出版起了很大的作用,所以我坚持要把她列为“共同编辑”.’”

“It’s been a lot of fun; it was a labor of love,” Torres said, while laughing. “I’m a bit of a nerd so I enjoy the editing and research.”

从2019年4月到2021年8月, 托雷斯从事临床研究,参与了从子宫肌瘤到心力衰竭再到COVID疫苗接种的研究. 今天, 她在一家专注于针对性暴力预防的组织担任研究职位.

A shared love of psychology and criminal justice

Torres and Russell share a passion for psychology and criminal justice.

拉塞尔从20世纪90年代初开始研究女性受害问题,当时安妮塔·希尔(Anita Hill)作证说,最高法院大法官提名人克拉伦斯·托马斯(Clarence Thomas)曾对她进行过性骚扰. Hill’s testimony sparked Russell’s interest in studying issues such as sexual coercion, 骚扰及家庭暴力.

2000年,罗素开始研究刻板印象如何在刑事司法决策中发挥作用. 例如, she found that if a woman has been a victim of abuse and kills her abuser in self-defense, 她的审判结果往往取决于她是否符合典型虐待受害者的刻板印象. 罗素认为, 典型的女性虐待受害者的刻板印象是身材矮小的异性恋者,表现出被动等特征, 身体虚弱,没有侵略史. 那些不符合刻板印象的女性往往比符合受害者刻板印象的女性受到更严厉的判决.

While her earlier research focused on female victimization, Russell realized that females are often the perpetrators of the same crimes. 在很多情况下, 拉塞尔说, heterosexual men and members of the LGBTQ+ community are victims of 家庭暴力, 性侵犯和性骚扰, 但他们的受害往往被忽视. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey 2022年,47人.3%的女性和44.2% of men experience intimate partner violence in their lifetimes. 罗素说,LGBTQ+人群的受害率相似或更高. 然而,与女性受害案件相比,这些案件不太可能引起关注.

So, 她开始问:如果异性恋男性或LGBTQ+群体中的个人不符合受害者的刻板印象,会发生什么?

“女性有更多独特的经历,导致她们做出我们需要考虑的犯罪行为, 很多人都没有意识到这一点. 我们仍然认为女性是“受害者”.’ Feminist media agrees that women are the ‘victims’ and blames the patriarchy. 但是女性也可以并且确实会犯罪.”

—布伦达·罗素 , 赌博平台大全的心理学教授

After conducting over 20 studies on male and LGBTQ+ victimization, 罗素发现,与异性恋女性相比,异性恋男性和LGBTQ+社区的成员在刑事司法系统中受到不同的对待,通常更有可能因自己的受害者而受到指责. 例如, heterosexual men are more likely to be arrested for 家庭暴力 compared to women, despite the fact that women are more likely to initiate violence in relationships. 拉塞尔说,这是由于人们对异性恋男性的刻板印象:他们的体型和力量让他们更容易伤害女性. This belief makes men more likely to be considered the perpetrator and not a victim. 男性在性暴力和家庭暴力方面也比女性受到更严厉的判决. 当她们声称自己受到虐待时,人们会指责她们自己是受害者,而且认为她们不那么可信, 拉塞尔说.

“Our society focuses primarily on female victims who have been abused by men, 所以我们不会关注那些被虐待的男人,拉塞尔说, 注意到她和其他人注意到,男子在杀人案中被判有罪, crimes of passion and duress even when they claim their act was in self-defense. “许多逮捕法也在决定中发挥作用. 例如, 在有初级侵犯者法的州, 而不是随意逮捕, the guidelines for arrest include size and strength of the perpetrator, 权力和控制, 这些定义都很模糊.”

Russell also said that men are less likely to report abuse because of their masculinity, 羞耻和害怕警察会逮捕他们, 由于刻板印象, 他们的信念往往是正确的. There are less likely to be arrests in same-sex relationships and, 如果有人被捕, 这往往是双重逮捕.

“Also, masculinity and femininity play a role,拉塞尔说. “在我的一项研究中, 我发现犯罪者的男子气概会影响人们对受害者所受伤害的看法.”


“女性有更多独特的经历,导致她们做出我们需要考虑的犯罪行为, 很多人都没有意识到这一点,拉塞尔说. “我们仍然认为女性是‘受害者’.’ Feminist media agrees that women are the ‘victims’ and blames the patriarchy. 但是女性也可以并且确实会犯罪. 我们需要平等对待所有受害者. We need to consider victimization not as women’s issue; it’s a human issue. Until we do that, people will suffer and be neglected. 在我的研究中,我一直发现男性和LGBTQ+社区成员在这方面受到刑事司法系统对待的方式存在着令人难以置信的差异.”

罗素认为, social media also plays a significant role in these perceptions. 她引用了约翰尼·德普诉. 安珀首次审理民事案件, 据她所知, 一名男性受害者得到了很多支持. 

“While we observe a decline in incarceration rates among men, a concerning trend emerges with the rising rates among women,拉塞尔说, 解释许多复杂的问题会影响刑事司法系统对不同性别和性身份的人的判断, and recent legislation is shifting who is perceived as the victim or the aggressor. “这提出了一个问题,即我们预计最近有关堕胎的立法会产生什么样的影响, 对LGBTQ+权利的侵蚀,以及其他在刑事司法系统中使性别和性身份差异永久化的立法措施.”

根据出版商的网站, 这本新书细致入微地探讨了女性卷入各种犯罪——从犯罪到犯罪, 家庭暴力, sexual assault and homicide — that resonates with the pulse of contemporary society. In an age where many events are tweeted and debated online, 这本书深入研究了社交媒体描绘女性罪犯的复杂方式,以及这是如何扭曲公众认知和影响法律结果的."

除了共同编辑之外, 罗素和托雷斯撰写了两章,分别为“引言:超越观念:揭示快速变化的世界中女性罪犯的复杂性”和“揭露女性犯罪中的叙事和性别差异:挑战刻板印象,促进平等”.此外, 詹妮弗·希尔曼, 赌博平台大全的心理学教授, 撰写了名为“预测者”的章节, 受害, 在美国跨性别调查的9180名跨性别女性中,监禁与负面健康结果相关.”

Russell has authored dozens of scholarly articles and authored and/or edited seven books, primarily focused on the intersection of psychology and law. 除了, she frequently offers her expertise in legal settings, 在杀人案中提供关键证词, and she serves as a consultant and program evaluator for various educational, 执法, justice and treatment programs at both federal and state levels. She has received the Penn State Eisenhower Award for Distinguished Teaching, which is awarded to only one faculty member at a Commonwealth Campus each year. Her expert commentary has been sought by National Public Radio, 板岩, CNN和《赌博平台大全》, 等.

欲了解更多信息,请联系罗素 (电子邮件保护).



Professor of Psychology, Program Coordinator of Applied Psychology at 宾州州立银行
