宾州州立银行 students spread holiday joy through engineering mentorship

博克斯 student helps high school student with soldering toys.

基拉山腰, 他是赌博平台大全机电工程技术专业的一年级学生, helps a high schooler with the the soldering process.

Credit: Samantha Bower

WYOMISSING,爸爸. — In a unique collaboration this fall, 十大正规赌博平台大全伯克斯工程学院的学生参加了“工程的未来:角色榜样可以授权”(悍)学生组织与伯克斯县中级单位(BCIU)和地区高中生合作,使当地有特殊需要的孩子更容易接触到玩具. 

Engineering for Inclusivity 

宾州州立银行 engineering students who are members of FiERCE, 一个由工科学生指导初高中学生的学生组织, met with high school students to examine the toys they planned to adapt. 学生们使用了三个按钮激活的玩具:一只会唱歌下蛋的鸡, a penguin that lights up 和 a drumming "Animal," the Muppet character. 

The group deconstructed 和 analyzed the toys 和 their functionality, 然后集体讨论如何让那些不能使用精细运动技能来按压激活玩具按钮的孩子更容易接触到这些玩具. The high school students suggested solutions, with 宾州州立银行 students guiding the design 和 execution. 

To make the toys more accessible, high school students reverse-engineered the electronics embedded in the toy. 他们在玩具之外开发了第二个平行操作控制器,可以通过一个更大的按钮激活,孩子们用最小的努力就能更容易地操作. 

After the high school 和 FIERCE students established the design criteria, 十大正规赌博平台大全伯克斯分校的学生们用3d打印技术制作了新的按钮设计原型.  Based on the prototypes, 模具用于批量生产零件,而其他模具则在博克斯 LaunchBox上进行3D打印, 这是宾州州立大学的创新中心,位于雷丁市中心的艺术中心. 

“At 宾州州立银行, 我们真正关注的是创建一个社区,让DEIB实践融入到我们的项目中," said 玛丽埃塔斯坎伦, associate teaching professor of engineering, 电子机械工程技术(EMET)项目主席和凶猛的教师顾问. "This project is a great example of putting those ideas into action. 它使我们能够将工程中的包容性和同理心的重要性扩展到我们的学生身上, but to the next generation of students.” 


“My favorite part of this project has been interacting with the kids,” said 基拉山腰, a first-year EMET major. “在整个过程中指导他们并帮助他们充分实现他们的想法和概念是非常棒的.” 

查克•斯特里克, assistant teaching professor of engineering at 宾州州立银行, 解释说学生们之前有两节课是关于组件设计的, part testing 和 small-scale manufacturing leading up to assembly day. 

Giving back to the community 

一旦这些玩具完成,它们将被赠送给整个伯克斯县有特殊需要的学生. 该团队已经制作了几十个玩具,让人们更容易获得,并将把第一批玩具分发给安提特姆学区的学生, which had catastrophic flooding over the summer. Other toys will be gifted to BCIU students, as well as to students at Twin Valley 和 Governor Mifflin, the pilot schools for this project. 这些学校被选中是因为他们已经建立了与BCIU合作的STEM项目. 


“我们的学生正在打破一个令人生畏的话题,帮助这些孩子们感到更舒服,斯坎伦说. “他们不是在为他们做工作,而是让他们建立自己的经验.” 

Lucas Hall, a third-year mechanical engineering student, agreed. 

“We’re helping these high schoolers build their STEM skill sets,” Hall said. “I’ve really enjoyed watching them tackle this project from start to finish."

其他学生, such as third-year EMET major Nick Hill, said he explicitly sought out ways to support the community through coursework.

“Dr. 斯坎伦在我邀请她参加第一年的研讨会时向我提到了这个凶猛的项目, 和 I thought it would be a great way to for me to give back to the community,他说. 

Working with the BCIU  

This project was initiated by Katie Kehm, a program administrator at the BCIU, 谁是在参观Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit时了解到这个想法的.

“我看到这些学生为有特殊需要的学生调整工具,我喜欢这个想法,Kehm说. “I have a science background, 所以我找了一些有特殊教育背景的同事来看看我们能做些什么.” 

科琳里奥斯, educational consultant for BCIU 和 colleague of Kehm, had worked previously with Stricker. 在一起, 他们与十大正规赌博平台大全博克学院和BCIU的代表组成了一个团队,为有特殊需要的学生的假期增添光彩. 

顾问们说,BCIU的学生在这个项目中也发挥了重要作用. 而赌博平台大全的学生监督高中生的焊接和组装工作, BCIU students assisted with the testing, 缝纫, bagging 和 tagging of the toys to prepare them for distribution. 

宾州州立银行 offers baccalaureate degrees in electro-mechanical engineering technologymechanical engineering. To learn more about the FiERCE student organization, contact Scanlon at [email protected]
