



WYOMISSING,爸爸. ——阿卜杜拉·科纳克, distinguished professor of information sciences and technology at 宾州州立银行, was recently named the Penn State College of Information Sciences and Technology Statewide 教师 Member of the Year. 他在10月11日的秋季IST教师会议上被授予该奖项. 27. 
The University-wide award recognizes outstanding faculty members from across the commonwealth who exemplify the mission of the college for improving the lives of people in 宾西法尼亚, 国家和世界, 通过集成, 高质量的教学方案, 研究和推广. Awardees excel in their efforts to accomplish the school’s mission and have an outstanding record of fostering leaders for a digital, 全球经济. 
Konak credited 宾州州立银行, his colleagues and his students for his achievements. 
“宾州州立银行 offers many opportunities to promote faculty development and projects. 我们学院重视持续改进和专业发展. I used these opportunities to start and grow many 研究, teaching and community service projects. 我非常感谢这种支持。. 
Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer Todd Migliaccio noted Konak’s commitment to student success, 研究, 社区参与, 以及他在校园的重要活动. 
“Dr. 科纳克是教师/学者理想的缩影. 他的工作涉及大学的各个领域, 获得资助, 参与的学生, supporting their advancement in extracurricular opportunities and ultimately connecting with our community. 他经常跨部门合作, 正如我们从他的人工智能中看到的那样, 建模, 与模拟实验室(AIMS实验室). 他在他的领域内外都很受尊敬. 我们的校园很幸运能有像李博士这样的同事. Konak,积极代表十大正规赌博平台大全,特别是十大正规赌博平台大全的博克斯.” 
提名科纳克获奖, 特里西娅•克拉克, 十大正规赌博平台大全伯克项目主席和信息技术助理教授, 注意到他对学生的承诺, 他的同事和校园. 
“Dr. Konak excels in all facets of faculty responsibilities, including teaching, 研究 and service. 他的创新不断地激励着我, 积极参与,成就斐然,克拉克说。.  
2021年,科纳克被命名 distinguished professor of information sciences and technology at 宾州州立银行, 授予在各自研究领域处于领先地位的教师的荣誉, have demonstrated excellent teaching skills and contributed significantly to the education of students who subsequently have achieved recognition of excellence in their fields. 

多年来,他[Dr. 科纳克为学生们提供了坚定的支持, guiding them in undergraduate 研究 and honors projects and securing Erickson Discovery Grants. His students have co-authored 研究 papers with him as well as successfully transitioned to graduate school and industry positions. Dr. Konak's commitment to challenging and nurturing his students has been instrumental in their substantial learning."

—特里西娅•克拉克 , 十大正规赌博平台大全伯克项目主席和信息技术助理教授

克拉克接着说,今年早些时候,科纳克收到了 宾州州立大学开放和可负担教育资源冠军奖 for creating original materials for his courses, including five interactive e-books with labs.  
他对教学的贡献是多方面的. He helped develop and enrich the three of the college’s programs: information technology, 网络安全分析与运营, 安全和风险分析学位课程. 例如, Konak created the Collaborative Virtual Computer Laboratory (CVCLAB) at 宾州州立银行 to provide students with active learning experiences that involve collaborative hands-on experimentation. Students can access the CVCLAB’s resources and perform activities that are impossible to complete on campus or on their personal computers. 除了, CVCLAB用于青年外展项目, 包括夏令营和K-12网络安全活动. 
科纳克还创造了人工智能, 建模, 与模拟实验室(AIMS实验室) to inform and educate the community about emerging issues in AI, 为组织提供研究指导援助, 教育和支持下一代人工智能专家.  
“多年来, 他为学生提供了坚定的支持, guiding them in undergraduate 研究 and honors projects and securing Erickson Discovery Grants. His students have co-authored 研究 papers with him as well as successfully transitioned to graduate school and industry positions. Dr. Konak's commitment to challenging and nurturing his students has been instrumental in their substantial learning,克拉克说。. 
Describing his collaborations with colleagues and students as some his most meaningful work at 宾州州立银行, 大官邸说, “I am thrilled to work with a dynamic group of colleagues and students passionate about 研究 and teaching. I appreciate the collaborations that I have established both within and outside Penn State. 多年来, 我还与许多优秀的本科研究生合作, 是什么让我的工作充满乐趣和成就感. 没有这些合作,我的工作就不可能完成.” 

除了, Konak serves as the faculty adviser for the 宾州州立银行 Cyber Lions student organization, whose aim is to raise awareness of cybercrimes and scams targeting seniors and to help protect them from scammers and criminals. The group visits retirement communities regularly to teach the residents about online security. 
Konak’s community engagement efforts were recognized in 2022 when he was honored with the 志愿服务奖,该奖项旨在表彰杰出的志愿者服务、参与和影响. 科纳克担任副总裁, 财务主管, secretary and council member in the Telecommunications and Network Analytics section of INFORMS. 另外, he was a key member in organizing the Telecommunications and Network Analytics Conference. 
在他的领域国际知名, Konak has published highly cited papers in the most prestigious journals and has received grant funding for his work. 2023年9月,他在联合国研究峰会上担任小组成员. He is a co-investigator on the NSF-funded AccelNet-Implementation: US-Africa Sustainable Food Systems through Water-Energy-Food Nexus Networking (SustainFood), 大学范围内多个院系和校区之间的合作, as well as the NSF-funded Cultivating Innovative Thinking Skills in STEM Education grant.  
Konak是香港中文大学的客座教授, 康奈尔大学和利哈伊大学. He is a member of the Institute for Operations 研究 and the Management Sciences and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Konak earned his doctorate in industrial engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, 他在布拉德利大学获得工业工程硕士学位, 以及他在土耳其耶尔德兹技术大学的学士学位.