Eleven startups selected for spring 2023 FastTrack Accelerator

Kayaking accessories, swipe-right app for fashion, 土基涂料是参加为期10周的项目的团队之一

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. – Happy Valley LaunchBox powered by PNC Bank has accepted 11 early-stage business startups into its spring 2023 FastTrack Accelerator program. 该公司的业务概念包括健身器材配件和皮划艇配件,以及一款基于右滑的时尚应用, 给多囊卵巢综合征女性的支持系统网络.  

Through a competitive entry application process, FastTrack收到了27份免费商业加速器项目的申请, which is open to Penn State students, faculty and staff, as well as the community. The spring 2023 accelerator program, which runs from January through March, consists of nine weekly group meetings, plus 1-on-1 mentoring from advisers and experts in business, legal, and intellectual property. 团队还可以在欢乐谷LaunchBox使用一套免费工具和共享办公空间, which is located on the second floor of the Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub.  

“快速赛道加速器计划旨在帮助团队快速测试市场, develop a minimum viable product, and launch their business models," said Elizabeth Hay, 由PNC银行提供支持的欢乐谷启动箱的Jack White家庭主任. “本次会议选出的创业公司有各种各样的想法,处于不同的业务发展阶段. 我们很高兴看到他们如何在项目中取得进步,并为最终的比赛做准备." 

On March 21, 2023, during Penn State Startup Week powered by PNC在美国,参赛队伍将争夺5000美元的投资,用于发展自己的业务. The pitch competition is from 6-8:30 p.m. at the Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub and is open to the public. Those interested in attending can register at no cost.  

The spring 2023 FastTrack Accelerator teams are:  

  • Home Team Invest 提供十大正规赌博平台大全校友短期租赁物业管理和房地产投资机会在中心县, Pennsylvania. Home Team Invest’s CEO is alumna Diana Nelson. 

  • Khakie 使用附属链接将许多时尚零售商的产品整合到一个基于滑动的推荐系统中,在这个系统中,通过滑动向右的商品被存储起来,供以后购买或分享. Through global selection, convenient storage, and personalized recommendations, Khakie helps users find their style online. The Khakie startup team includes College of Engineering students Ralph Quartiano, Normen Yu, and Joe Messner. 

  • CTFGuide Corporation 一个道德黑客、学习和竞赛平台是为学生和专业人士服务的吗. CTFGuide公司包括工程学院的学生Raymond Yan和 College of Information Sciences and Technology student Pranav Ramesh. 

  • Zoils & Pigments manufactures soil-based paints such as watercolors, gouache, and crayons, using natural, non-toxic, and environmentally-conscious, high-grade ingredients and materials for use by artists and children. The Zoils & Pigments startup team includes College of Agricultural Sciences student Zoelie Rivera-Ocasio and community member Eric Appeldoorn. 

  • LifeBoxes 回收运输集装箱,提供可定制和可扩展的住房解决方案. LifeBoxes创业团队包括农业科学学院的学生Haze Orner, Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications student Alex Lin, Eberly College of Science 学生Elyse Johnson,工程学院学生Nathan Ansu,以及社区成员闫明胡.  

  • BeyondClass 一个教育科技B2C平台是否解决了大学生之间的信息鸿沟. They deliver selected resources, including case competitions, scholarships, and networking events, that students miss out on from regular information overload. BeyondClass通过举办课外活动提供了一个集中的中心,并设想创建一个安全的社区,学生可以在这里分享他们的经验,同时有公平的机会. BeyondClass includes Daniel Dongjun Lee, College of Liberal Arts student Stella Sieun Cho, Smeal College of Business student Esther Hwiryeong Lee, Schreyer Honors mathematics and computer sciences student Dohyoung Ko, 以及工程学院的学生Charlie Kunjoong Kim和Yoojin Lim. 

  • PitchStacks 是否有允许学生与其他学生和投资公司分享投资研究的在线平台. PitchStacks includes, Smeal商学院的学生Dylan Benson和文理学院的学生Andrew Ciotto. 

  • GroupIt LLC is a payment application that splits transactions up front. 和朋友计划一次旅行,预订,只支付用户的部分费用. The GroupIt LLC startup team includes Charlie Snow, Noah Beck, Josh Hedge, 信息科学与技术学院的学生Matt Christianson和Josh Perrine, Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications student Jess Gordon, and Penn State Berks students Mason Fontana and Timour Almakaev. 

  • WaveBreaker Technologies 提供配件静坐皮划艇,增加易于访问的存储,同时转移水远离用户. WaveBreaker Technologies is owned by Kevin Harris.  

  • Danger Fit LLC is building a patented attachment for the gym. 这种设备将作为手柄,连接和分离杠铃. 他们将能够在杠铃上左右滑动,这将有助于用户的力量和时间. Danger Fit LLC’s CEO is Smeal College of Business student Brian Monk. 

  • PCOS Care Network 为患有多囊卵巢综合征的女性提供关怀、支持和赋权. 多囊卵巢综合征护理网络的创始人贝基·邦伯格是十大正规赌博平台大全的雇员和校友.  

About Happy Valley LaunchBox powered by PNC Bank 

由PNC银行提供支持的欢乐谷LaunchBox为早期创业公司提供支持和资源,帮助他们建立可持续的、可扩展的业务和可行的增长计划. No-cost programs and services include coworking space, accelerator programs, legal and intellectual property resources, and expert mentorships from Penn State’s extensive network. LaunchBox对所有人开放,包括社区成员和十大正规赌博平台大全的相关人员. 由PNC银行提供支持的欢乐谷LaunchBox是“发明十大正规赌博平台大全”倡议的一个标志性项目,也是十大正规赌博平台大全校园社区21个创新空间之一.