
工程系学生Michael Aboulhouda在课堂上做一个项目.
Credit: Theo Anderson

Penn State Berks recently received a $750,获得美国国家科学基金会科学奖学金, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM) program. 这笔拨款将用于创建十大正规赌博平台大全伯克利用创新和优化培育(LION) STEM学者计划, which will provide support in the form of a four-year renewable $6,250奖学金给有经济需要的有才华的工程专业学生. 符合要求的学生将在四年内获得25,000美元.

In addition to scholarship funds, students will also receive academic support, mentoring, and professional development through the LION STEM Scholars Program. 每年将有六名学生参加该项目,为期三年, for a total of 18 scholars over the program period. The application deadline is April 1, 的申请表格,并可在“狮子干学者”网站(网址: sites.euroins.net/berkslionstemprogram.

LION STEM学者项目还提供了其他支持大学成功的经验,包括一个免费的为期四周的夏季“桥梁”项目,以加强学术准备,并在大学第一个秋季学期之前提供社区建设经验, a cohort experience, special on-campus living options, and enrichment activities focused on communication, financial literacy, career readiness, undergraduate research, and community engagement.

LION STEM学者计划的主要目标是通过毕业更多表现出经济需求的多样化高成就STEM学生来增强STEM劳动力. 十大正规赌博平台大全Berks将收集数据,分析课程和课外活动如何影响STEM身份,并传播STEM持久性和角色身份领域的研究结果.

Ryan Hassler, associate teaching professor of mathematics at Penn State Berks, is the principal investigator on the grant, along with co-principal investigators Dawn Pfeifer Reitz, assistant teaching professor of communication arts and sciences, and Janelle Larson, division head of engineering, business and computing at Penn State Berks. Other senior personnel on the grant include Sonia Delaquito, coordinator of the Learning Center at Penn State Berks, and Catherine Cohan, 十大正规赌博平台大全公园工程拓展与包容中心的助理研究教授, who will provide program evaluation support.

“I am excited to begin the LION STEM Scholars program, 它采用了一种整体的方法来分析STEM的持久性,作为一个人发展STEM身份的副产品,” explains Hassler. “Through targeted interventions, 该项目将为学生在十大正规赌博平台大全攻读四年工程学位期间提供学术和课外支持. 美国国家科学基金会提供的财政支持将彻底改变那些可能负担不起高等教育的人的生活.” 

哈斯勒是十大正规赌博平台大全伯克工程超前项目的协调员, 在大一之前举办的为期四周的暑期“桥梁”项目,通过加强学术准备和使学生建立社会联系来提高不同工程学生群体的保留率. 他解释说,30%参加“超前工程”项目的学生有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金. Hassler对申请NSF S-STEM奖学金很感兴趣,因为许多经济困难的学生由于经济限制而无法完成他们的学位. LION STEM学者项目将为这些学生提供完成学位所需的部分资金.

“LION STEM学者项目是一个令人兴奋的新项目,它建立在Engineering Ahead项目的成功基础上, also funded by the National Science Foundation. 短期目标是增加那些想要主修工程并且有财务需求的有才华的伯克学生的成功. 长期目标是提高学生的社会流动性和工程劳动力的整体多样性,” added Cohan.

“I am thrilled that Dr. 哈斯勒优先考虑口头和书面沟通等重要技能, 专业、组织和指导是狮子STEM学者项目课程的一部分. 我很荣幸能成为这个团队的一员,并期待着指导LION STEM学者的旅程,帮助他们获得这些权力技能-在现实世界和职业生涯中取得成功的专业能力,” stated Dawn Pfeifer Reitz.

“Student persistence in college, especially for those who are considering challenging majors, has been problematic if they are underprepared. Students often ‘don’t know what they don’t know.“LION STEM学者项目为这些学生提供全面的支持,从他们进入十大正规赌博平台大全开始,直到他们在那些关键阶段和学期中迷失方向。. 我非常感激能成为这个充满活力的项目的一部分,”索尼娅·德拉基多补充道.

For more information on the LION STEM Scholars Program, contact Hassler at 610-396-61297 or via email at [email protected] or visit the LION STEM Scholars website at sites.euroins.net/berkslionstemprogram.
